Love and Biological Chemistry


By: P.I.E. Juan Fernando León

We are born with an existential wound of abandonment, feeling as if we are "thrown" onto this planet with the hope that one day, after life, we will find those we lost, perhaps God or Eternity.

This existential fear of abandonment compels us to come together so that we don't feel alone. We develop relationship skills based on our personal insecurities and intimate knowledge.

Would you believe me if I told you that we only come to this planet to discover ourselves through relationships and partners, who serve as subtle forms of teachers and mirrors that facilitate our growth? Therefore, creating healthy relationships is of utmost importance in our lives as part of our evolution. Now, you may wonder, "How do you create your relationships? From the fear of constantly losing someone, or from the confidence to give and receive love all the time?"

We form human relationships at work, with our family, or with a partner, in the most pragmatic, peculiar, and unlikely ways. It can stem from our tendency to be submissive, codependent, authoritarian, egocentric, generous, or equally lovingly balanced.

So, what happens in our physical bodies when we manifest ourselves in a relationship? How does our physical biology respond to the persistence of codependency or the need for companionship? Do we have the pleasure of complementing ourselves with the best of someone else and the best of ourselves?

Ask yourself, what is the worst thing that could happen to you if you become completely immersed in love? What is the best thing that could happen to you if you don't allow yourself to receive or give love? At the end of the day, we learn that love is never wasted. The only thing that can happen when you give love abundantly is that your heart may be broken, but a broken heart can heal, whereas a hardened one gets sick.

The distance between your unsettling loneliness and feeling completely united is love. If you have ever wondered in introspection why you are alone, why you have conflicted relationships, or why you feel you don't deserve the love of someone you like, perhaps the following situations will resonate with you:

You left a complicated relationship and have no desire to start another one. You are divorced and think the best revenge against your partner is to remain single forever. Maybe you feel it's better to be alone than in bad company, possibly that you are too old to get into the dating game again, or if you are a widow(er) with children, you feel you shouldn't have a partner out of loyalty to your late spouse.

Perhaps you don't know how your children can accept your new partner, or that it's better to endure the pain of loneliness than the burden of a conflictive relationship. It may be that you only know how to be in complicated relationships, or that you think that a partner will invade your time and space to achieve your goals. You may believe you lack the skills to relate, and you're afraid of being alone, that no one is enough for you, nothing and no one has satisfied your life because you haven't been able to love yourself, so no one else can. You feel a partner can't love you just for who you are, that you can't be in a relationship without needing to control it, you believe you don't know how to love yourself, or even feel you don't have enough money to sustain a relationship.

The revealing truth is that when you find yourself, and you overcome these ingrained beliefs, a compatible partner may arise in your life. So how can you include a spouse from the most positive aspect of yourself and not from your weaknesses?

Love is created from your heart, while drama and conflict are born from fear and insecurities. When you feel that you don't need someone to complete your life, you are in the perfect mindset to attract a compatible, healthy partner into your life.

Remember, love is everywhere, but without our awareness, it can easily go unnoticed or unrecognized. There are suitable partners everywhere. This miracle happens when you learn to look deep within yourself and discover that love has been waiting for you in your heart all along.

We live on a planet with millions of human beings, so why should you feel alone? It would be arrogant to think that there is no one out there for you. When we feel that nobody loves us and that nothing is enough to satisfy our longing for love, it usually causes problems in our circulatory system.

Blood represents love, and the veins are the conduits of joy. The brain categorizes states of consciousness into frequencies; for example, the frequency of unconditional love, ecstasy, success, and confidence is expressed in Theta waves. People who don't allow themselves to reach this frequency live in lower spiritual frequencies.

There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a complete being who knows how to enjoy themselves, creating satisfaction in everyone and everything. When children leave the nest, breast cancer, fibroids, and tumors fill your body to fill those voids.

When you think you reserve your heart for the love you have for your parents and can't give it to your partner, or you have multiple partners without satisfying any of them or yourself, you create endometriosis. When you use force all the time to maintain a relationship, your ovaries suffer. You create too many estrogens and character protectors that can lead to cancer.

When you feel you can't satisfy your father or husband with any achievement, you create problems with the pituitary gland, thyroid, and ovaries. Prolactin increases to nourish as much as possible. When you can't express yourself in a relationship, you feel that there's no point in communicating anything, or that everything you communicate is not heard, you create thyroid issues.

When you feel abused and have no way to express your creativity, you get migraines, arthritis in the dexterity of your hands. As you can see, our physical body is our subconscious mind; it reveals our weaknesses and, through ailments, prompts us to make changes in our behavior to achieve health, love, and more.

The idea is to live life without the need to suffer. I advise you to do more of what you feel than what you believe. What you believe depends on societal truths, what you feel depends on you.

So, finding a compatible soulmate will not be through an institution, nor any structural ideas created by society to manipulate loneliness. Love yourself, and then you will attract a heart that knows how to appreciate any other heart.

Juan Fernando León

Studied Immuno Molecular Physiology at the National University of Medical Technology in Jerson, Ukraine. He is an instructor of Emotional Anatomy and Diseases and holds certifications in Advanced DNA ThetaHealing® from the Think Institute of Knowledge USA. He was trained in Hellinger Science under the guidance of Bert and Sophie Hellinger. He also possesses knowledge of Body Language and Lie Detection acquired at Johansen Merith Inc and received training in Kinesiology in California. 


He is a musician, an aviator, a composer, a classical artist, and an emotional deprogrammer. He is a therapist and a coach who has treated over 20,000 patients. Juan is an expert in Orders of Love and compatible soulmates. His eyes may attempt to conceal his wisdom and numerous talents, but his heart paves the way. His extensive training seamlessly integrates with the intuition that guides him to deactivate bodily memories and apply all the techniques he has studied. 

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